All Paintings must be prepaid before shipping.
We offer the following payment options
1. Pay through Pay Pal:
When you pay by this method, we ship your paintings in 1-2 business days after we receive payment.
2. Pay by Money Order:
Simply mail a money order payable to:
C. J. Lauterbach
27407 Wooded Canyon Dr.
Katy, TX 77494
Upon receiving your money order we ship your item in 1-2 business days. Please write the item number and description on the money order.
3. Pay by Personal check:
Follow the same procedure as if you were making an order to be paid for by money order. Only allow an additional 4-5 days for your check to clear, before delivery of the merchandise.
Mail your personal check to:
C. J. Lauterbach
27407 Wooded Canyon Dr.
Katy, TX 77494
Please write the item number and description on the check.